Tuesday, 8 October 2013

'Brothers'Trailer Analysis

The Certificate for this film is R(Restricted) therefore those who are younger than 17 have to be accompanied by a parent or guardian.The movie is produced by LIONSGATE; The movie stars Natalie portman and Toby maguire.
The trailer shows the equilibrium at the start when a US marine goes missing and his family(wife and kids) believe that he is dead;the trailer then goes on to show the marine's brother who helps his brother's family and eventually becomes close to them,this is when some of the disruption is shown because the marine turns out to be alive and is coming home back to his family which complicates many things because the family have somehow grown attached to the brother of the marine and forgotten about the marine.
The sound/backing tracks of the trailer is a mixture of sad and thriller as it fits in with the genre,this relates to the uses of gratification as it may match how the audience are feeling towards the trailer/movie and what their mood is.
We may also see Binary opposition in the trailer because there are two brothers are are fairly different in many ways such as one of them has a temper and the other is calm and firm which shows differences in them both even though they are brothers.
The trailer represents reality as to what may or has probably happened in real life;It shows us how quickly changes can happen and what effect it has on us overall.

Sunday, 22 September 2013

My Synopsis of 'Before I Die'-Book Inspired

'Before I Die' is a book by Jenny Downham which is about a teenage girl who finds out she has a threatening type of cancer which limits her time to live;the girl responds to this by creating a list which has everything she'd like to do before she passes away
The film trailer can start off as a voice narrative of the main character describing how she feels and what is going on in her life at that specific moment,this could be the Equilibrium of the trailer to show how things were in the characters life before coming face to face with the main disruption of the film (Cancer).
The disruption may continue when the character creates a short list of things she’d like to do, this is where the complication comes in as some of the things on the list may lead the character to trouble .

The restoration of the film trailer will not be shown as that would give the viewer’s/audience too much away and would not be much use to go and see the film as they would be able to guess what would happen.

Monday, 16 September 2013

Warm Bodies Analysis

Warm Bodies is a hybrid of Romance/Comedy/Fantasy. The narrative is a voice over narration of one of the main characters who is actually a dead zombie. The trailer tells us that the love of one is so powerful that it can literally bring you alive which is exactly what happens to R when he falls in love with a human girl. Even though some people may think that zombies are human eating monsters, the trailer shows us things from a totally different perspective.

Byzantium Trailer analysis

The equilibrium of the movie Byzantium starts off by tell us a part of the disruption which is that one of the characters are blood sucking vampires. The narrative of the movie tells us about a young girl who has a big secret about her family history, one which she cannot tell anybody else. The complication of the movie then starts to expand when other characters in the movie start to get suspicious the family's odd behaviour.

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Beautiful Creatures Analysis

The trailer Beautiful Creatures follows a young girl and boy who each have a very different history in their lives.

The picture of the film overall uses a lot of dark colour such as black because of the genre which is fantasy/romance

Sound effects such as thunder,echoing screams and laughter fit the genre of the movie and make it more enjoyable to watch.

Titles and editing:
The title of the movie gives a lot away as it tells us that they are creatures not humans,therefore they act differently than humans do.

Friday, 12 July 2013

Never Say Never

The genre of this trailer is a mixture of Pop, Music and more.
The target audience of this trailer would be mostly young girls as they may look up to or be attracted to Justin Bieber ;we know this because Justin is a teen sensation and many girls idolise him for what he does.

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Lynx advert (non sexist)

Non sexist ways of presenting products:
-No representation of sexual interaction between men and women
-No explicit/unsuitable clothing

*I want it!

Advert creation
A young girl is getting ready for an interview she has but she is really nervous therefore she cant stop getting sweaty and het up about it;luckily a boy who has his interview aswell offers her the lynx can to refreshen her up.(There is no sexual representation between the boy and girl)